Joy & Happiness: The Difference

A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life when he plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will never sit.


—D. Elton Trueblood


Our lives are enriched by the contributions of those who lived before us. Many men and women gave more than they ever took from society, and now we enjoy the rewards. Some people were fired with a spirit to beautify the world and planted trees that will live for 200 years. Others wrote music that speaks to us from another generation, and others established a government that guides our principles of justice. They gave so much because they knew they were a part of their community and the world.


I may not make the great contributions that will make me famous, but I can enrich my life and the lives around me when I contribute freely to improving the community and the world. I can do this when I simply say hello to my neighbor, when I serve on a volunteer cleanup committee for a local park, Habitat for Humanity, Caring For The Homeless of Peekskill (C.H.O.P.), and The Food Pantry. These are vehicles that I use to help beautify and contribute to the world, and that gives me a feeling of peace and self-respect.


I wasn’t always the person I am today. Knowing who I was and who I aspire to become has given me grace. Being angry, violent, believing in nothing greater than myself, and holding on to the “me against the world” attitude has caused much harm to my self and to those around me. I have a CHOICE and in the M.A.S. I was conflicted for a greater portion of my life lived. Recognizing that I can live different to make a difference has done wonders for my children, my wife, my family, my friends, even some strangers, and me.


The phrase ‘joy (AND) happiness’ always struck me to be odd. The use of the word ‘AND’ was always in question- as if joy and happiness were separate entities, and today I believe they are separate in definition.


Happiness is still something I have yet to achieve. I feel as if it is measured by time. For example when someone is happy it describes (to me) a length of time. Happiness seems as though it is a feeling that must be achieved. And forgive me, I can be wrong but I find when someone is happy it isn’t for a second, a minute, hours, or even a day. It is a state or a period in their life that they have experienced ‘happiness’. I have witnessed people in the act of giving, caring, and planting those trees that were not happy. Yet still they gave.


Joy is a feeling that I have experienced many times before but was too ignorant to recognize. Recently I am blessed to recognize the energy or the electricity it shocks my heart with, my soul, M.A.S. I feel joy is measured by moments, overwhelming instances that cannot be denied, and pure genuine emotion. For example, joy blasts our beings, it shocks the body, it creates tears that cannot be held down, and it sits heavy and in the gut. Again, forgive me, I can be wrong but joy does not have to be achieved, it happens whether we like it or not. It cannot be obstructed. It cannot be controlled. I have witnessed people and myself that weren’t happy experience joy in a moment, isolated tiny events, and it is obvious (to me) when it occurs. In the act of giving back to the community, giving back to the universe as it had given to me helps me to feel joy. Planting a tree and seeing it grow knowing I will never sit in its shade gives me joy. Seeing people do for others gives me joy. My heart pounds, my eyes well up, and my spirit is touched when joy overwhelms me.


This is only my opinion. This isn’t science, nor are they facts. This is not meant to offend those who claim to be happy- it’s just when I hear or read the word happiness it still seems so foreign. However, joy is familiar to me, as this year it has shaken me over as over again. I am so thankful for these moments and without shame.


Plant a tree.



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Peace, Choice - Many people who know me refer to me as, Choice. After people get to know me and the name, no sooner do they ask me what my name means. The name, Choice, is basically self-explanatory, it is a reminder that we all have'choices' in life. A person's 'choices' will dictate the course of their life. So, in some respect we can dictate the course of our lives and our futures if we are mindful of the 'choices' we make. M.A.S: {M}ind {A}nd {S}pirit - M.A.S. is an acronym for Mind And Spirit (Not pronounced like Christmas, it is pronounced like Midnight Mass); I am of the mind and spirit; I am Choicemas, and some refer to me as Mas. It is my belief that our choices are created in the mind and answered by the spirit. Throughout life choices are born in the mind, and there will be times when one makes a choice that will 'break' his or her spirit — these choices are usually poor, unclear, or impure choices. There will be other times when the spirit will regain 'light' from the choices it acts upon — these choices are usually good, clear, or pure choices.

One thought on “Joy & Happiness: The Difference”

  1. I know not what else to do. My life is not my own. I live for you. This heart, it beats for you alone. These hands wish only to serve and to do thy will. I follow thee day to day, hoping for a crumb from thy bountiful table, as I’m never full for long; watching and waiting for a glimpse of thee. The days that my Lord shows Himself to me, my heart feels two sizes bigger and I dance with such joy that my feet barely touch the ground. Oh love, oh love, my heart has never known you… till now.

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